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  • Writer's pictureViolet

Not black it's CHOCOLATE

Updated: Nov 30, 2021

You know people be like black people are bad and some call them ugly and judge their looks without any reason. Maybe some of us grew up and got matured about the fact that body color doesn't matter. The beating heart and dancing soul does. But kids are more in that. They don't wanna make her/him their friend just because of their body color! That's a weird thing. And I think Barbie the animated series is responsible for that too. Like their quote is "You can be anything" when you are fair and tall. Like Barbie's boyfriend and most of the friends are fair. In most movies, the villain is black and it's unfair. Little kids who are Barbie fans want to be like Barbie. They learn from it. And they learn the wrong thingy. Even they think green is an evil color since always the villain wears it. But to be honest, isn't green the most colorful shade among colors? It's the color of goddamn nature. About African black women, people judge their beauty by their asses and lips. It's a nasty way to see a lady a woman. "YOU SHOULD KNOW HOW STRONG THE WOMEN ARE, HONEY." They are hardworking. They are strong enough to go through society's judgments. Dear racists, To be honest, aren't you just jealous that god gave them the color of chocolate? And also I wanna say African people's hair isn't a goddamn wig. How will you feel if someone keeps touching your hair and make fun of it? Terribly insulted right? They also feel the same. So no you cannot touch it. WE ALL AREN'T THE SAME THO. GOD, PAINTED EACH OF US DIFFERENTLY AND BEAUTIFULLY. WE ALL ARE JUST MASTERPIECES. and girls, DON'T BE DAD'S LIL PRINCESS. SHOW YOUR DAD THAT YOU CAN STILL BE A QUEEN WHEN HE ISN'T AROUND. BE THE WARRIOR. THE BRAVEST, STRONGEST AND SMARTEST.


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